Happy New Year - Dogs and Fireworks

on 30 December 2014

I hope everyone (both human and canine) has enjoyed the Christmas festivities and had a relaxing time with family and friends.


Whilst on the way to visit my sister I notice a sign for half price fireworks and once again thought of all the distressed animals there will be while we humans enjoy the loud crashes and bangs of the New Year celebrations.  We’ve already heard a few fireworks going off locally but thankfully, since using Canine Communication, my dogs both sleep restfully in spite of the noise.


New Year is always a time for reflection and I remember past New Year’s Eve Celebrations when friends visited with their children and we always made sure that they couldn’t hear or see the fireworks because they were so frightened.  The same goes for a lot of our dogs who are living in a Human World that they do not understand – they have no idea what fireworks are and find the loud bangs frightening and traumatic!




 Here are a few tips on how to help you and your dogs this New Year’s Eve:

  • If your dog barks when someone knocks at the door, thank him kindly.  Don’t tell him off – he doesn’t know what’s out there and is alerting you of a possible danger.
  • Don’t take your dog to the door with you where he’ll be frightened.  Leave him in a room where he feels safe.
  • If your dog tries to hide somewhere, leave him be until he feels it’s safe to come out again.  Don’t try to coax him out – he’ll come out when he’s ready! 
  • Remain calm yourself – if you start getting anxious about your dogs’ behaviour he will think you are also frightened of the strange sights and sounds. 
  • The best thing you can do when your dog starts showing any signs of anxiousness is to ignore him and remain calm. 
  • If your dog gets really anxious (i.e. is frantically pacing, drooling, shaking etc.) and starts chewing either himself or an item in the house, take him gently by the collar and hold him by your leg until he is relaxed, without talking to, or reassuring him.  (If you cannot take your dog by the collar place a slip-lead around his neck and gently draw him to your side)  Once you feel him relax, release him without speaking.  If he starts again, repeat as necessary – it important you do this in a calm manner without any eye contact or speaking to him.

Hopefully you’ll all have a happy, relaxing evening with calm contented dogs lying by your feet!

If you’d like to know more about Canine Communication and need help improving your dog’s behaviour, please either call me or send me an email - I’d love to help you and your canine companion.